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The Shakespeare Furore

  Tuesday 29 April 2025 The Shakespeare Furore   The Shakespeare authorship question first burst into public consciousness 170 years ago. Early questioners included many prominent figures of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the last two decades, while those defending the orthodox narrative have increasingly characterised the authorship question as a conspiracy theory, over 50 peer-reviewed articles challenging the traditional narrative have been published in academic journals. Now award-winning journalist Elizabeth Winkler’s book Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies: How Doubting the Bard Became the Biggest Taboo in Literature is making waves. A London Library event featuring Winkler in discussion provoked a furious attack by a Times journalist, who depicts authorship questioners as “conspiratorial fantasists” aligned with the far right, a threat to “a liberal society” and the question as “a contagion of superstition and ignorance”. Dr Ros Barber explores what is r...
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Art / Magic / Lore: Wild Talents

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Holy Men of the Electromagnetic Age: A Forgotten History of the Occult

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Women of the Golden Dawn

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Paracoustics – Sound and the Paranormal

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Mavericks: Lessons from History’s Most Extraordinary Misfits

J Draper digs out unusual stories of individuals who have shaped the world, uncovering the lessons their unique experiences can teach us.  With Reweirding: Monday 10 February 2025 6.30 pm doors. 7 pm start.  £10 / £7 Concessions / £6 online   Advance Booking Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL Tube: Holborn London Fortean Email List Witty and engaging TikTok historian J Draper digs out unusual stories of individuals who have shaped the world, uncovering the lessons their unique experiences can teach us. Breaking away from history told through the lens of kings, queens, and nobles, this book instead lifts the lid on 24 fascinating stories of little-known underdogs, mavericks, trailblazers, and oddballs. Through these stories, you will meet characters such as Sabrina Sidney, an orphan kidnapped into a bizarre child-raising experiment; Eleanor Rykener, a gender-bending sex worker from medieval England who spilled juicy gossip about her clients in the cler...

Vampires: from Monster to Mister

  Tuesday 28 January 2025 Vampires: from Monster to Mister Some people seem to think that a good vampire novel is a story in which the vampire marries the heroine at the end. Vampires have always had a connection with sex, as either Demon Lover or Rapist Monster, but it’s difficult to find anything in folklore or literature which characterises them as likely to make good husbands – until, of course, the arrival of Twilight . How did it happen? Why did it happen? Was it inevitable? Will it go away – should it go away? The lure of the vampire has been summed up as being Sex, Death and Fancy Costumes. Must we now add: faithful, patient, kind, hard-working and good with the children? Vampire specialist Dr Tina Rath answers these and many other questions about the dark seducer. Venue: The Bell, 50 Middlesex Street E1 7EX (Tubes: Liverpool Street, Aldgate, Aldgate East) Date: Tuesday 28 January 2025 Time: 8pm (Doors 7.30) Tickets: £5/£3