29 September 7.30pm - 10.30pm The first London Fortean Society meeting. There will be the first Fortmanteau; our monthly summary of strange news. LFS host and Fortean Londoner Scott Wood goes on the hunt for the ‘ Helpful Terrorist’ , a warning, a 9/11 rumour or an urban legend for troubled times? Main talk (8pm): Chris French & Robert Brotherton: Conspiracy Minded: The Psychology of Belief in Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy theories have come to play a prominent role in contemporary culture. It is almost inevitable that any significant event will become the subject of conspiracy theorising, and considerable numbers of people endorse such theories. Although the psychology behind belief in unsubstantiated and implausible conspiracy theories is not yet well understood, social scientists are now beginning to address this important topic. This talk will introduce the topic of conspiracy theories and outline the difficulties that arise when trying to formula...
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