Ninja Jesus! Are We All Doomed? 2012 and other Prophecies 23 February 2012 Upstairs at The Bell pub, 50 Middlesex Street, London E1 7EX Liverpool Street, Aldgate, Aldgate East stations 7.30 start. £3/£2 concessions LFS co-founder and author on alternative religions Dr David V Barrett looks at recurring prophecies of Jesus’ return and how prophets cover their embarrassment when he doesn’t – again. Three years editing The Unexplained in the 1980s turned Peter Brookesmith from puzzled agnostic to puzzled skeptic, where paranormal claims are concerned. His essential interest today is in why people believe in weird things, rather than in simplistic debunking; he became interested in apocalyptic beliefs on observing millenary themes in ufology. The failure of 2000/2001 to satisfy those yearnings has created a fresh focus on 2012 and the ‘end’ of the Maya calendar (and maybe the whole world!). In this talk he surveys the 2012 apocalypse industry an...
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