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Art / Magic / Lore

Magical Art, Radical Folk Dance, Sacred Landscapes, and Women's Stories.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Doors, coffee from 10.30 am
Talks: 11 am - 6 pm (inc. breaks)

£18 / £14 cons Advance tickets

Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Tube: Holborn


London Fortean's Mailing List

Facebook event

Art, magic, and folklore cross over and over again making new forms of creativity and lore. Join us at Conway Hall on 29 June 2024, for talks and discussions on making new traditions, art and magic, lost woman artists, radical Morris Dance, and much more.

Talks and performance timings:

10:30 There should be coffee
11:00 Doors
11:15 Thomas Sharp, Marc Spicer & Rosey Trickett: Circling the Square Mile
11:45 Break
12:00 Jennifer Higgie: A Journey into Women, Art, and the Spirit World
12:30 Amy Hale - “This current drew you”: Ithell Colquhoun’s erotic energies and sacred landscapes
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Site-Specific Performance: Aliki Karveli
14:30 Break
14:45 Hayley Lock: An Altered Self (Talk)
15:30 Kathryn Atherton: Mary Neal and the Suffragettes Who Saved Morris Dancing
16:00 Break
16:15 Huginn and Muninn: Progressive 2-person Bedlam Border Morris
16:45 Lucy Wright: Start A New Tradition Today!
17:15 Break
17:30 Hayley Lock: An Altered Self ( Performance)
18:00 return to the world

Hosted by Sarah Sparkes.

Lucy Wright: Start A New Tradition Today!

Post-pandemic popular interest in folklore is at an all-time high, with more people than ever choosing to take part in folk arts and customs of all kinds. But the history of the folklore discipline harbours some uncomfortable truths. Widespread perception of folk as something ‘of the past’, in need of preserving, risks perpetuating inequities around gender, race, class and sexuality that were commonplace during the heyday of the folklore collector in the late 19th and early 20th century. A firm believer that traditions need not be straitjackets but rather gentle invitations to come together and be creative, in this talk, artist and researcher, Dr Lucy Wright shares some of her observations as a collector (and creator) of ‘contemporary folk customs’, excavating the historical practices that were not deemed important enough to record—particularly those associated with women—and inventing new, more inclusive ones for the 21st century.

Lucy Wright is a former BBC Folk Award-nominated artist and a current Fellow in Folklore at University of Hertfordshire. She has exhibited at Cecil Sharp House, Compton Verney and Leeds Art Gallery, and her work, which combines performance, making and socially engaged practice, often draws on her large personal archive of photographs and research gathered over more than a decade of documenting female- and queer-led folk customs. 

Kathryn Atherton: Mary Neal and the Suffragettes Who Saved Morris Dancing

The Morris revival and the militant suffrage movement were inextricably linked. The leader of the dance revival, Mary Neal, was a life-long radical campaigner for the rights of women and children. She and Emmeline both sat on the national committee of Mrs Pankhurst’s militant Women’s Social and Political Union, the most notorious of the groups campaigning for the vote for women.

After an MPhil in 17th Century Studies, Kathryn Atherton wrote for the Oxford English Dictionary, she then spent 10 years as a city lawyer. She is currently responsible for exhibitions at Dorking Museum and regularly leads guided walks and speaks on local history in the Dorking area. She is the author of Mary Neal and the Suffragettes Who Saved Morris Dancing (Pen & Sword 2024).

Huginn and Muninn 

"We are a progressive 2-person Bedlam Border Morris side."

Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library. "Mary Wigman in Hexentanz" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed March 28, 2024.

Jennifer Higgie: A Journey into Women, Art and the Spirit World

Jennifer Higgie explores the notion that it’s not so long ago that a woman’s expressed interest in other realms would have ruined her reputation, or even killed her – and yet spiritualism, in various incarnations, has influenced numerous men without repercussion.

The fact that so many radical women artists of their generation also drank deeply from the same spiritual well has for too long been sorely neglected. While the individual work of these artists is unique, the women loosely shared the same goal: to communicate with, and learn from, other dimensions. Weaving in and out of these myriad lives, sharing her own memories of otherworldly experiences, Jennifer Higgie discusses the solace of ritual, the gender exclusions of art history, the contemporary relevance of myth, the boom in alternative ways of understanding the world and the impact of spiritualism on feminism and contemporary art. Jennifer is the author of A Journey into Women, Art and the Spirit World (TateBooks).

Amy Hale - “This current drew you”: Ithell Colquhoun’s erotic energies and sacred landscapes

Between 1939 and 1943 Ithell Colquhoun created an incredible collection of very explicit drawings and paintings that likely pointed to the development of a system of sex magic. During this time period, Colquhoun also painted some of her most theoretically interesting paintings of megalithic sites in Cornwall, exploring the notion of subterranean energies welling up from under the earth. It is very likely that these two projects were connected for Colquhoun, becoming an expression of her animism and also part of a wider investigation of the vital energies that can be harnessed and exchanged between people and with the earth. This explicitly illustrated talk will compare images from Colquhoun’s erotic corpus and some of her images of sacred landscapes, exploring ideas about energy exchange and union with the divine in all its guises. 

Dr. Amy Hale is an Atlanta-based writer, curator, critic, ethnographer, and folklorist, speaking and writing about esoteric history, magic, art, culture, women, and Cornwall. She is the author of Sex Magic: Ithell Colquhoun’s Diagrams of Love and Ithell Colquhoun: Genius of The Fern Loved Gully.

Hayley Lock: An Altered Self (Talk & Performance)

Hayley Lock is an artist based in Suffolk, UK. Her research interests concentrate on the Occult and occult practices with a particular focus on female otherness within mediumistic practice, identities and locations. Her recent focus has been to centre on experienced and altered realities through performative action, specifically through historical radical technologies and theories of the weird.

She is currently working with and under hypnosis to engage as an altered self, looking at where the unconscious meets the conscious, creating new systemic structures of belief. Often re–-staging found, experienced, and imagined conversations she appropriates, re– imagines, and mirrors back a pseudo-fantastical world where visions are commonplace and imagination is rife, often revealing, a dark world in perpetual crisis.

Thomas Sharp, Marc Spicer & Rosey Trickett: Circling the Square Mile

On Leap Day, February 29th, 2020, thirty people placed 100 handcrafted bronze mushrooms in a perfect circle around the City of London, the Square Mile, the dark heart of the country’s financial operations. The economy crashed the following week. On Leap Day 2024 we did it again, reweirding the world’s largest faery ring. And Leap Day 2028 is already marked in our diaries.

This is a binding. Necessary because all evidence points to the fact that City Traders are the faery folk the old tales warned us about. Poet Thomas Sharp and Creative Directors Rosey Trickett and Marc Spicer explain.

Thomas Sharp is a poet, design / advertising copywriter and Creative Director. He creates brand language experiences for organisations, artistic moments ...

Site-Specific Performance: Aliki Karveli 

Aliki Karveli is a Greek-born, London-based interdisciplinary artist, approaching art as a tool for transformation and inner alchemy. They explore hypnotic and visceral states through performance, the tactility/materiality of sound, the intuitive voice, and Butoh-informed, primal movement. Exhibiting since 2008, performing since 2019 under the artist name Black Arrows.

There will be beautiful books from Newham Bookshop

Saturday 29 June 2024
Doors, coffee from 10.30 am
Talks: 11 am - 6 pm (inc. breaks)

£18 / £14 cons Advance tickets

Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Tube: Holborn


London Fortean's Mailing List

Facebook event


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