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Paracoustics – Sound and the Paranormal

  Paracoustics – Sound and the Paranormal Tuesday 25 February 2025 From the chain-rattling ghost of Pliny’s first-century Athens to things that go bump in the night and 21st-century electronic voice phenomena (EVP), sound has always fascinated paranormal researchers. Dr Callum Cooper , co-editor of Paracoustics – Sound and the Paranormal , examines that fascination and presents a selection of the leading research in paranormal acoustics. He explores the physics and the psychology of sound and its association with the paranormal, including infrasound, EVP, séance tapping and other ghostly sounds. Venue: The Bell, 50 Middlesex Street E1 7EX ( Tubes: Liverpool Street, Aldgate, Aldgate East) Date: Tuesday 25 February 2025 Time: 8pm (Doors 7.30) Tickets: £5/£3
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